奇恩设计 AG × Design | 在"迷饰"中「迷路」

You simple, the world is a fairy tale
You complex, the world is a maze
MAZE's first offline concept store is located in Qinghai province. We have incorporated a light industrial atmosphere into a super-large space of over 100 square meters, using a labyrinth layout that perfectly displays many different types of accessories. Traveling back and forth is like walking through different stories, talking to time and space, and each place is worth exploring.
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设计元素 Design elements
我们从品牌及商标中提取并采取这两种色调为空间的主色调,雾霭黄象征光芒温暖明快,极致灰代表坚毅富有力量。 We extracted these two colors from the brand and trademark and adopted them as the main colors of the space. Misty yellow symbolizes light, warm and bright, and extreme gray represents firm and strong.
MAZE空间 Space renderings
这是一款专为迷饰设计的帽架,以品牌的LOGO的形式的进行再次创造,能完美的展示品牌的特点,更在空间中具有额外的视觉效果以及展示丰富的趣味性。 The hat rack designed for fans originates from the LOGO of the brand. The re-creation of the form of the LOGO can not only perfectly show the characteristics of the brand, but also have additional visual effects in the space and show rich fun.
结合金属格栅网、灰色微水泥、彩色石子等材料,将空间布局贴合到人物的维度,巧妙地布置灯光,在这个空间内营造出迷宫式的环境,希望完美满足了迷饰的产品展示和营销的商业功能。 Combined with metal grid mesh, gray micro cement, color stones and other materials, the space layout is deliberately fitted to the dimension of the character, cleverly arranged lighting,
墙面的月球表面元素纹理感十足,使得墙面展示的层次也更为丰富。 The elements on the surface of the moon are fully textured, and the layers of the wall display are also richer.
只需在产品周围漫步,就可以获取到心仪的首饰,从戒指到耳饰,项链到手链,再到挂饰帽子、头饰。通过在这座琳琅满目的饰品迷宫之中,您可以触摸产品,了解他们的特点,并带着最能符合心意的产品回家。 Just walk around the product and you'll be able to pick up the pieces of your choice, from rings to earrings, necklaces to bracelets, pendant hats and headpieces.
对于空间的设置克制却又有张力,用视觉与颜色共同演绎空间美学,让艺术与美学彼此邂逅。 The space is set with restraint but tension, and the space aesthetics is interpreted with vision and color, so that art and aesthetics meet each other.
项目负责人 / 李琦婷
# 往期推荐 # PAST RECOMMANDATION Diverse creative design services
| 提供服务 奇恩设计是一家专业的室内设计多元创意设计服务机构,项目涵盖居住空间和商业空间两大设计板块。致力于从方案设计、项目实施跟踪、软装搭配全方位精心服务。除此之外,奇恩设计希望能够通过不断地与空间对话,深入了解空间需求,进而创造和制作出适应空间的精选物件。
| 居住空间 奇恩设计团队专注于定制空间设计,通过温度表达将屋主故事与空间连接。适应大众审美的同时,更加差异化的表达个性家居设计。
| 商业空间 奇恩设计团队拥有专业设计视野,具备通过挖掘城市文化基因和项目自身特性,打造出独具魅力的商业空间。体现风格差异却不乏本土化、国际化、精细化、主题化的空间类型。