奇恩设计 AG × Design |以设计,漫谈生活

From one person time to two romantic
from three beautiful to four generations together
the continuous happiness of life
are soaked in the warmth of "home"
香 溢 · 紫 荆 园
Layout · 平面布局
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The design takes "family integration" as the core consideration, breaks the boundary of space to create borderless integration, creates a perceptual, calm and relaxed living experience, and interprets the relaxation and attitude of Italian life wisdom.
In the hard decoration, the color matching with low saturation is selected to make the space more composed and stylish. The addition of wood elements and marble brings light luxury and relaxation to the whole space, satisfying the modern sense of the whole space.
Choose more capacious and comfortable design style in the sitting room, the design of lamplight satisfies the administrative levels feeling in whole space, highlight the spacious sex in whole space again, plus of adornment blend in, reflect the fun in the space.
The alternation of wood facing and stone is applied, continue to dining-room from the background wall of the sitting room all the time.
In the kitchen, white is chosen as the main color of the space, coupled with the guide of white marble, so that the space becomes more comfortable.
The bedroom pursues the principle of pleasing oneself and enjoying oneself privately, creating a comfortable life experience between moving and static.
The conflation of metal, stone material, the design is the dialogue with different material and color, the floor of wood color serves as assistant, let the bedroom look more sweet. The bedroom's huge floor-to-ceiling Windows offer a delightful view of the city when the curtains are opened.
Children's room in the performance of rich vision and touch, to construct the fun of life and small beautiful. Both aesthetics and functions to create a sense of scene, storage, display, leisure, entertainment, to create children's dream paradise.
The bedroom continues the overall interior design style, with rational and restrained color expression, built a low-key and comfortable natural space.
The design state of dry and wet separation can make good use of the layout in the space, but also can reflect the pluralism in the whole space. The interlacing of wood and marble makes the bathroom more diverse.
香 溢 · 紫 荆 园 K户型|130㎡
Layout · 平面布局
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In this apartment type, the design returns to the essence of life, linear elements throughout the whole space, to simplify the interpretation of rational and pure life style, fit the aesthetic taste of the contemporary urban elite group, arouse the resonance of residents and space mood.
The collision of wood veneer, metal and marble creates a visual and tactile comfort, which makes the space texture neat and simple, and thus gives the soul a greater release.
Contemporary urbanite needs a private space that can not disturb each other independently more. The bedroom included rest area, garment cap receives area, dress and make up area, wash bath area.
香 溢 府 · 紫 荆 园 H户型|111㎡
Layout · 平面布局
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The space is the externalization of aesthetic and individual character, in the design of this one door model, of atmosphere build and detail control, what reveal everywhere is the power of life.
厨房通过恰到好处的柜体设计,将锅碗瓢盆全部“藏”起来。与之相连的户外阳台,将自然光线引入,呈现出干净明亮的视觉效果。 The kitchen is designed through proper cabinet body, pot bowl gourd ladle all "hide" rise. The outdoor balconies that connect with it bring in natural light, creating a clean and bright visual effect.
开放式的洗手台,打破空间视觉阻隔,增强过道采光。 The lavabo of open mode, break dimensional vision to cut off, enhance corridor daylighting.
设计将多种材质融合碰撞,温润的大理石、原木元素营造着空间的质感,而硬朗精致的金属与皮质元素的搭配,增添着空间时尚雅致的气息。 The design integrates a variety of materials into collision. Warm marble and log elements create the texture of the space, while the combination of tough and delicate metal and leather elements adds a fashionable and elegant atmosphere to the space.
以浅灰为主色调,营造平静安详的空间氛围。设计通过墙面石材的呼应,增加空间质感。 Dominated by light grey to create a calm and serene atmosphere. The design increases the space texture through the echo of metope stone.
蓝、黄色的运用为儿童房增添了一股简约时尚感,使空间富有层次不违和 Of blue, yellow applied a contracted fashionable feeling to added for children room, make the space is rich administrative levels do not violate
▼儿童房 ▼书房 ▼户外阳台
1► 检查水电 水电路属于隐蔽工程,一般分为自来水、热水以及中水,我们需要打开热水器 试一下水路和电路是否接错管道。应向物业公司或者开发商索要基础的水、电路的施工图纸,以备后期所需。 检查弱点(离地30cm)强电(离地1500cm)查看强电箱电路是否完整
2► 地面材料-瓷砖、木地板、踢脚线的验收 拿小锤子轻敲地面,查看是否有大面积空鼓,尤其是客厅地面、卫生间、厨房墙面。现场检查出问题以便开发商不漏项维修。
3► 验收墙面、顶面 查看壁纸/壁布/乳胶漆是否平整,是否有鼓包、是否有划痕、边角起翘。用手电筒查看墙面是否平整,色泽是否均匀,是否掉灰。
4► 验收室内推拉门、木门、玻璃门 查看木门是否变形、有划痕、门吸是否正常使用、锁具是否正常使用、开合是否有异响、是否和地面有摩擦。
5► 检查吊顶 有石膏板吊顶的地方,检查四个角是否平整、是否有较大的开裂。
6► 检查窗户 检查窗户密封性是否正常,角落处是否渗水漏水、用纸张测试一下密封是否严密、安全护栏是否牢固、开合是否正常。
7► 检查柜子 查看柜子有无异味、门板开合是否正常、门板平整度是否均匀、拉篮抽屉五金是否正常、台面是否牢固、打磨是否平整、台盆是否稳固、台面和墙面是否打防水防霉胶
在收房的过程中,一定要仔细检查。能及时处理的问题,一定要督促物业管理方及时处理;不能处理的也要详细记录下来在后期局部改造和软装阶段安排设计师或者施工方维修完善。 希望各位业主收房和后期装修中,都能收获一份美好的过程体验。
项目负责人 / 李婍婷
编辑 / 马阳静 郑雨青
# 往期推荐 # PAST RECOMMANDATION Diverse creative design services
| 提供服务 奇恩设计是一家专业的室内设计多元创意设计服务机构,项目涵盖居住空间和商业空间两大设计板块。致力于从方案设计、项目实施跟踪、软装搭配全方位精心服务。除此之外,奇恩设计希望能够通过不断地与空间对话,深入了解空间需求,进而创造和制作出适应空间的精选物件。
| 居住空间 奇恩设计团队专注于定制空间设计,通过温度表达将屋主故事与空间连接。适应大众审美的同时,更加差异化的表达个性家居设计。
| 商业空间 奇恩设计团队拥有专业设计视野,具备通过挖掘城市文化基因和项目自身特性,打造出独具魅力的商业空间。体现风格差异却不乏本土化、国际化、精细化、主题化的空间类型。