奇恩设计 AG × Design | 白石办公展示空间,一抹克莱因蓝

Break the space barrier
All things can talk
Concept intention · 概念意向
设计概念之一是吸取居家办公的优势将其融入到办公室空间内,在满足基本功能的基础上,让办公的方式不仅限制于固定的员工位上,在员工位以外的区域也可以做到轻松 办公。
The material color · 材质色彩
休闲区采用蓝色亚克力材质的造型与顶部的镜面玻璃相接,在这个简洁的空间,形态与灯光、色彩交相辉映,赋予空间张力与强烈的视觉冲击力。 In the leisure area, the blue acrylic material is connected with the mirror glass on the top. In this simple space, the form and light and color complement each other, giving space tension and strong visual impact.
Round arc blue condole top surrounds negotiate area and existence. The rhythm is controlled by proportion and the picture is divided by lines, giving the office space due harmony and order.
接待区以线性灯与不锈钢的元素营造科技感和层次感,作为一个凸显“Z时代”个性的基点。 The reception area uses linear lamps and stainless steel elements to create a sense of science and technology and layering, as a basis point to highlight the personality of the "Z era".
会议室以简单的装饰加上轻体量的家具,共同营造出大气的感觉。雾化玻璃的选择既延伸了空间,又保证了空间的私密性。空间以纯粹的材质体现品味,以利落的线条丰富视觉。 The space reflects the taste of pure materials and enriches the vision with neat lines. The simple decoration and light furniture of the conference room create a sense of atmosphere together.
In the process of function optimization, the designer not only takes into account the sense of design, but also pays attention to people's self-feeling and healthy lifestyle, and uses the cost in the choice of materials and furniture to benefit people.
Born in the city, grew up in the city, always want to live a poem. Buy a tea table, build a free and flexible receive visitors leisure space.
项目负责人 / 李婍婷
编辑 / 马阳静 郑雨青
# 往期推荐 # PAST RECOMMANDATION Diverse creative design services
| 提供服务 奇恩设计是一家专业的室内设计多元创意设计服务机构,项目涵盖居住空间和商业空间两大设计板块。致力于从方案设计、项目实施跟踪、软装搭配全方位精心服务。除此之外,奇恩设计希望能够通过不断地与空间对话,深入了解空间需求,进而创造和制作出适应空间的精选物件。
| 居住空间 奇恩设计团队专注于定制空间设计,通过温度表达将屋主故事与空间连接。适应大众审美的同时,更加差异化的表达个性家居设计。
| 商业空间 奇恩设计团队拥有专业设计视野,具备通过挖掘城市文化基因和项目自身特性,打造出独具魅力的商业空间。体现风格差异却不乏本土化、国际化、精细化、主题化的空间类型。