奇恩设计 AG × Design | “宠这里”宠与你(上)
The heart that has been filled and warmed by small animals can reach the future with strength,
and there is always some life to heal you!
项目地址位于高德置地广场,是杭州市钱江新城CBD综合体核心区。也是集商业、生活、时尚和文化地标于一体的知名综合体,本次设计的首要挑战是在满足空间功能需求的同时,突出宠物街区的独特性和美学。 The project is located in Highland Plaza, the core CBD complex area of Qianjiang New Town, Hangzhou. A well-known complex of commercial, lifestyle, fashion and cultural landmarks, the primary challenge of the design was to highlight the uniqueness。
宠这里秉持着“用生命温暖生命”的理念,打造的宠物文化创意街区,是爱宠人士的俱乐部,也是人宠美好生活的体验地。在这里,可以遵循宠物自身的生活习性为宠物来一场量身定制。 Adhering to the concept of "warm life with life", Pet here creates a creative block of pet culture, which is not only a club for pet lovers, but also a place for them to experience a beautiful life. Here, you can follow the pet's own life habits for a customized pet.
Model figure · 模型图
设计以“Z时代”为核心考量,打破空间界限创造无界交融,当我们站在当下时代的注脚打量,能感受到许多不同空间的交错感,既有过去也有未来。跨越时空的束缚,试图还原一个多时空交错的复合空间。 The design takes the "Z era" as the core consideration, breaking the spatial boundaries to create borderless integration. When we stand in the footnote of the current era, we can feel the sense of interlacing of many different Spaces, both ancient and future.
Layout · 平面布局
( 平面布局图 )
设计中探讨人与宠物、宠物与人与空间之间的联系,把设计对象从“以人为本”转变为“以人和宠物为中心” Explore the connection between people and pets, pets and people and space, and change the design object from "people-oriented" to "people-oriented".
在商铺的设计上,根据每个空间的功能用途和空间逻辑,将场地精心划分为多个区域,包括宠物食品和用品零售、服装定制、培训等等。 Based on the functional use and spatial logic of each space, the site is carefully divided into multiple areas, including pet food and supplies retail, boarding and care, training, and more.
在色彩颜色的挑选上,结合每家店铺的风格和大体块的空间划分,使每个空间既独立存在,又互相关联。 In the selection of color, combined with the style of each store, the space is divided into general blocks, so that each space is independent and interrelated.
宠物玩具是集中放置的,宠物玩具的特色也与婴幼儿玩具的类似,色彩艳丽吸引眼球。 Pet toys are centrally placed and at first glance look similar to display shelves for children's toys. The characteristics of pet toys are also similar to those of baby toys, with bright colors to attract the eye.
▼YOUQIANG(友强) ▼智能家居馆 智能宠物用品开始在养宠人群中流行起来,这些充满科技感的产品除了能缓解养宠人士的负担,更能改善宠物的生活水平,实践健康饲养的理念。 Smart pet products have become popular among pet owners. These products with a sense of science and technology can not only ease the burden of pet owners, but also improve the living standard of pets and practice the concept of healthy feeding. ▼Petsbelle(兽牌) ▼玩具馆
▼服装高定馆 宠物服装的高级定制式就是针对宠物多样化的特点进行个性化的设计。 The advanced customized pet clothing is personalized design according to the diversified characteristics of pets
▼宠物行为基因检测室 用知识、科技、数据帮助我们更好地了解并照顾毛孩子们。科技能让宠物的生活更美好,但科技不只是在幕后的、安静的、冷冰冰的,它也可以温暖而有趣的。 Use knowledge, technology and data to help us better understand and care for children. Technology can make pets' lives better, but technology isn't just behind the scenes, quiet and cold, it can also be warm and fun.
▼美好时光宠物友好餐厅 让宠物社交融入人类社会 Let pets socialize and integrate into human society 美好时光时光餐厅配备专业宠物主厨,为毛孩子定制营养价值高的鲜食、宠物口粮,零食罐头,还有包间可以为毛孩子定制party! Time restaurant is equipped with a professional pet chef to customize fresh food, pet rations and canned snacks with high nutritional value for children. There is also a private room to customize parties for children! 这里还会不定期举办萌宠聚会,认识不同的萌宠,一起美食,一起玩耍。 There will also be an occasional cute pet party, get to know different cute pets, eat together, play together.
走进宠这里,可感知的设计细节和微妙的场景区分,一场时尚休闲之旅将在里面展开。 Into the pet here, can perceive the design details and subtle scene differentiation, a fashion leisure journey will unfold inside.
项目负责人 / 李婍婷 编辑 / 马阳静 郑雨青
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奇恩设计团队拥有专业 设计视野,具备通过挖掘城市文化基因和项目自身特性,打造出独具魅力的商业空间。体现风格差异却不乏本土化,国际化,精细化,主题化的空间类型。
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